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Reason Code 4853 - Cardholder Dispute - Counterfeit Goods

Chargeback Reason Codes / Mastercard / 4853 - Cardholder Dispute - Counterfeit Goods


Why did I receive this chargeback?

The cardholder claims you promised genuine merchandise, but the merchandise received was counterfeit.

Time Limit

How long can the issuer wait to file a chargeback?

The chargeback timeline can be based on one of two start dates. Either the chargeback must be processed within 120 calendar days of:

  • the transaction processing date, or
  • the date the goods or services were received after a delayed delivery


What compelling evidence is needed to respond?

Your chargeback response must include at least one of the following items:

  • Explanation and documentation to refute the cardholder’s claim
  • Proof that the chargeback is invalid because it doesn’t adhere to Mastercard requirements
  • Proof you have already refunded the transaction and credited the cardholder’s account
  • Proof the cardholder no longer wishes to dispute the transaction


How can I avoid this chargeback in the future?

  • Only sell genuine merchandise.
  • Make sure all product descriptions are complete, accurate, and not misleading.

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Cardholder Dispute

Consumer Disputes