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3 Steps to Stop Chargebacks and Recover Lost Revenue

Learn the necessary steps to stop chargebacks and recover lost revenue.

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Don Bush

VP, Partner Engagement


Casey Zenner

Director of Enterprise Sales



Melayna Gabiou

Marketing Director


Chargebacks are always expensive, but they pose a greater risk to businesses right now—as eCommerce volumes reach unprecedented heights. When they hit, chargebacks can quickly lower profits, increase operational expenses and, in some cases, force businesses into excessive dispute monitoring programs. However, effective chargeback protection strategies can prevent unexpected and harmful business impacts. Learn the necessary steps to stop chargebacks and recover lost revenue.


Discussion topics will include:

  • Strategies to prevent chargebacks by stopping bad transactions
  • How to manage dispute resolution with less customer friction
  • Best practices to recover lost revenue with improved dispute strategies
  • The benefits of AI-driven fraud and chargeback protection
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fraud detection, chargeback protection, consumer insights, identity verification


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